Montessori Transfer Aktivitesi – Simple Transferring Activity

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Markette dondurma seklindeki sekerleri gorunce dayanamadim. Yemeyi sevmem ama goruntuleri coook sirindi. Madem yenmiyecek, Montessori tarzi transfer aktivitesinde kullanabilecegimi dusundum. Bir de boya paleti almistim bu is icin. Bugun hava da kotuydu, oturduk oglumla minik dondurmalari paletin daireciklerinin icine yerlestirme aktivitesi yaptik. Bu tip aktiviteler ileri asamalarda kasik, maşa veya cimbiz kullanarak yapiliyor ve el kaslarinin gelismesine, el-goz koordinasyonunun artmasina, dikkat becerisinin guclenmesine yardimci oluyor. Bizim hemen hemen ilk denememiz sayildigi icin ellerimizle ancak yaptik.

These ice cream shaped jelly beans were so adorable that I couldn’t resist buying them at the supermarket even though I don’t eat jelly beans. I thought I’d use them for a transferring activity that I had been planning for a while. I had a paint palette at home for the activity. We gave it a try today because the weather is too cold outside, again!

Such transferring activities are made with tongs or pincers even with spoon sometimes. But since it was our first time, we did it using our hands.

Itiraf ediyorum ( ki sanirim gozlerden kacmadi) dondurmalar bu is icin biraz buyuk geldi. Ayrica sagdan sonuncu dondurmada bir eksiklik var ! Kuru fasulye, dugme veya bonibon tarzi seylerle tekrar denemek lazim bu dondurmalar hem oglumun istahini acti hem de paletimize sigmadi. Ama tahminimden uzun bir sure ilgilendi ve tekrar tekrar boslatip dizdi dondurmalari. Belki de gercekten erkeklerin kalbine giden yol midesinden geciyordur :)

I shyly admit that the ice cream jellies were too big for the spaces. Beans, buttons or M&M’s would be better for our paint palette I guess…You should also look at the last ice cream from the right carefully!… Leo spent more time than I thought he would do on this activity. He put the jellies in and out again and again. He also loved tasting them from time to time :)

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